Now our shop is up and running you will have the option to support us by becoming a member of the society. Membership purchases will be a one off payment of £10 which will help fund the shop, and allow you to have a say in how the shop is run. All our members and shareholders will have a vote at our Annual Members Download your application form here
To enable the development of our community shop we will need to continue to raise funds. This can be achieved in many different ways including memberships, grants and trusts. We will also be planning a few fundraising events and would like to hear from anyone who would be willing to organise an event to support the funding of our community shop - send us an email to find out more.
Are you a local business interested in supplying Lower Broadheath Community Shop with your produce? We sell a range of local produce alongside our every day staples, if you are a supplier and think you have a product suitable for the shop please get in touch by sending an email: manager@lowerbroadheathshop.com
Are you interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? We are currently looking for businesses who would be interested in sponsoring us, with different levels of sponsorship available that can be tailored to suit you. To help us make a difference to our small rural community please get in touch and send us an email today!
We are recruiting volunteers and volunteer leaders for various different roles to help with promotion, organising fundraising events and to support the set up and day to day running of the shop. Anyone over the age of 14 can volunteer, you don't need to commit to lots of hours and you don't need previous experience.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, support further employment whilst supporting your own community and village. To register your interest you can email us at volunteers@lowerbroadheathshop.com